A new Year Approaches

For me it has been a quiet year, but one in which I have had the pleasure of making new friends, saying goodbye to a few as they departed from Latvia. But above all I have managed to make it through another year with my health intact, ( or so they tell me) - and like so many others I will no doubt make my new year resolutions, which in the past I have rarely if ever fulfilled.
So for 2006 I will :
Not stop smoking
Not stop having a beer
Not stop working
Continue to enjoy life as best I can
Do my best for the children at Zvennieku (see below)
I know it will be hard but this year I am determined to meet these resolutions.
Major events in 2005 included the arrival of Ryan Air and Cretin Passengers, who have managed to make life somewhat miserable, at least in the sense they make me embarassed to be British, and of course the not to be forgotten visit of George Jnr.
Next year will see me enter the golden sixties age ( April 19th if you want to start saving) , but before this I will become a grandfather - somewhere around late February, courtesy of my eldest daughter C....... (A Berkshire lass) and husband A... ( Newcastle born and bred) - sex at this time is unknown. My youngest daughter A........ (Another Berkshire Lass) and her partner M... ( A Berkshire son) will be moving into there first home of there own. So major milestones for these two offspring - it goes without saying I am very proud of them.
Now I hear you ask, what awaits us on new Years Eve in Riga- well the selection of "events" is quite grand, The Hotels and clubs are all holding special and seriously expensive New Year parties. For me I am going to wander down to see the fireworks by the river courtesy of A... ( Australian - runs best hostel in town) who has offered us the chance to view the fireworks from inside the hostel.
From there I will meander up to the event organised by U.. Australian/Latvian), where I understand some 100 people will gather to bring in the New Year in a more modest style(Cheaper) - although I suspect it will be a good evening. I think this will be the first New Year that I have actually stayed awake. Of all of this is the manner of a grand plan, would not be surprised if I fall asleep before midnight - its age you see !!.
So to all of you who wake up with the dreaded S..t I wish I had not drunk so much feeling -
I wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.