A Penguin called David ?

"Larisa and I are fine and we have been away for the last 2 weeks working on the West Coast of the South Island and down to Otago and Southland.During our trip I took Larisa to see the Glaciers, Bluff (bottom of the South Island), wallabies, kea, sheep, deer, donkies, cattle, Larnach Castle (only castle in NZ) in Dunedin, Cadbury chocklate factory and various other gardens and other places.

Larisa at the Bluff sign post ( What no Riga signpost ?) and
us both with the monument of the sheep robbers dog.
On our way home we visited the International Antartic centre in Christchurch and the seal colony at Kaikoura, hence we bough a toy Penguin and seal.
We discussed for sometime what names to call these 2 new toys and the decision was David for the penguin as he is tall and an astute person, Jerry for the seal as Larisa reckons he has sad and very clever eyes
PS Last night we were suprised to read on your blog site that you had been skating with the aid of a kids penguin. David the name of our new toy penguin is then very oppropriate. "
Hmmm not sure if I wholly appreciate having a Penguin named after me - but at least he does look a little dapper sort of a chap- does he not ?
Anyhow it good to hear that true love still exists - but only New Zealand could have a statue to honor the sheep robber (is that the same as sheep bandit ?)
On the subject of our fund raising cash raised has now lept by another Ls 100.00 - so we now have Ls220.00 in cash and commitment to buy TV and Sledges, toboggan's etc - so in all we have actually raised about Ls470.00 and we still have another week to go. To all of you who have donated ( and you know who you are) - a massive thanks. I plan to meet with vicar on Sunday to finalise how we are going to get the goodies up to the orphanage.
And to celebrate J...... (Irish with attitude) donation to the cause - a little Irish humour - An Irish Scarecrow !
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