Whilst Latvia lacks many things, one of them is not wood - get out of Riga and you are immediately surrounded by forests, and so it has transpired that an industry was born - wood felling, and with it an armada of trucks which make there way from these forests to the mills,whereupon it is transferred into planks and blocks of wood, much of which is then exported overseas, therein to be turned into finished wooden goods.
But you only have to visit any of the fairs in Riga and elsewhere to seee that their is a thriving local industry based on local wood, being turned into finished articles.
Now you may have read in recent blogs about a certain new bar in town, with New Zealand connections, well it transpires that
ALL the wooden fittings, from the bar to the tables and stools were all made by a local company based in Jelgava - and I can tell you the quality is superb, and as it happens yesterday, with temperatures in the mid twenties !!, I came accross the main man behind the company N...... (Latvian - with a penchant for Thrash-Metal music ???).
Now if you want quality hand made furniture get in touch via e-mail at mebeles@urbix.lv or write to Urbix Ltd, Avotu Str. 12, Jelgava, Latvia, LV3002 or indeed phone +371-29775518 - you will not be dissapointed if the quality at the Kiwi Bar is anything to go by.
Here is the man, with his trusty sidekick - pointing at ......
the final finishing touch !!
final note on this new institution the outdoor balcony is open - so a beer in the sun is on - well it would be if the sun ever shines on the balcony - maybe in the morning, but not in the late afternoon - early evening.
On the subject of weather the last few days have seen the temperatures climb into the mid-twenties, with plenty of sunshine and a wee bit of rain. So with a little bit of luck later today I will take myself of to Dome square, book in one hand and a beer in the other - what more could I ask for ?
Well that will teach me no sooner do mention a beer in the sun, and it starts to rain !! - hopefully it will clear up for later.
If you have any interest in finding out what Thrash metal music is check out www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrash_metal_music - does not sound like my kind of music, but then again as I lost interest in music in the early 70's and this gendre of music started in late 70's it has probably passed me by - thank god !
So there we are another week has passed by, and Riga is beginning to don it summer coat, the trees are sprouting their leaves, the grass is green and the blossom on the trees is there for all to enjoy -simply beautiful - and of course nearly all the outdoor bars and cafes are open for business