trip down Memory Lane
It's amazing what turns up in life, I have returned to my old Sony Ericsson P900 - at least for the next few days, and on inspection came across some pictutes taken last year.
As you will note they are of one of Australia's finest food connesiers, well at least when it come to hamburgers.
This is a man who would repeatedly visit the Hesburger bar in Old riga, for a unique dining experience - but with the sun out last year and the opening of the No Problem outdoor bar/restaurant he decided to taste the hamburger on offer to ascertain if it met his high standards. As much time has passed since those days I cannot remember his comments - but perhaps the pictures ay it all !

Well we will never know as I obviously did not take any more pictures - perhaps the man in question will let us know if he ever reads this blog.
One can only hope that such good times and the weather will return soon, as today (Friday) has seen a brief return of snow !!
Well it now Wednesday 28th April, and Monday saw me and few others V... (Autralian - anybody need a builder ?) - V..... (Mexican - practices on pig eyes ?) - F.... (Australian - soon to be landlord) - A....(Bristolian - another about to be landlord) - S....(Irish - man about music) - and C....(English - prints a lot) - and we enjoyed what was the first warm and sunny evening in the square -Wonderful.
Regretfully since then it has stayed sunny but chilly -but hey ho - we can but hope for this weekend, when Latvia again will celebrate its independence.
Finally a word to S.....(Welsh - famous for his Thales of rugby) - trust the "nose" is better and the better half enjoys her nights. (This an in joke and should not be misinterpreted !!)
And to all of those wishing on an update on the "new" pub - it will informally open this Saturday ( or so I am promised) - with the official opening later in the week. Its name and location will be revealed later.
But a clue its name rhymes with qui ( French) but sounds like a down under bird
As you will note they are of one of Australia's finest food connesiers, well at least when it come to hamburgers.
This is a man who would repeatedly visit the Hesburger bar in Old riga, for a unique dining experience - but with the sun out last year and the opening of the No Problem outdoor bar/restaurant he decided to taste the hamburger on offer to ascertain if it met his high standards. As much time has passed since those days I cannot remember his comments - but perhaps the pictures ay it all !

Finally - The tasting
Well we will never know as I obviously did not take any more pictures - perhaps the man in question will let us know if he ever reads this blog.
One can only hope that such good times and the weather will return soon, as today (Friday) has seen a brief return of snow !!
Well it now Wednesday 28th April, and Monday saw me and few others V... (Autralian - anybody need a builder ?) - V..... (Mexican - practices on pig eyes ?) - F.... (Australian - soon to be landlord) - A....(Bristolian - another about to be landlord) - S....(Irish - man about music) - and C....(English - prints a lot) - and we enjoyed what was the first warm and sunny evening in the square -Wonderful.
Regretfully since then it has stayed sunny but chilly -but hey ho - we can but hope for this weekend, when Latvia again will celebrate its independence.
Finally a word to S.....(Welsh - famous for his Thales of rugby) - trust the "nose" is better and the better half enjoys her nights. (This an in joke and should not be misinterpreted !!)
And to all of those wishing on an update on the "new" pub - it will informally open this Saturday ( or so I am promised) - with the official opening later in the week. Its name and location will be revealed later.
But a clue its name rhymes with qui ( French) but sounds like a down under bird