To all of those not residing within Latvia, let it be know that Spring has Sprung ! - the weather over the weekend and into this week is simply stunning - as I write this the temperature for today is forecasted to be around 14 degrees, with clear skies and bright sunshine - gorgeous !
As you might have gathered last weekend was very much geared to rugby watching, and yet again our Welsh chief of Rugby, S...... was visible by his silence at the end of the Italy - Wales game, so for Wales the wooden spoon is beckoning. Will not dwell to long on the Scotland - Ireland game, suffice to say that a certain Irish person (indeed persons) has had a smile still their faces ever since. Both of these games were played on the Saturday, and our weekend gathering place was pleasantly cretin free - not so Sunday for the England - France - packed with cretins, but fortunately not so bad that we could not enjoy the game.
One has to admire the dedication of rugby fans, one of the village people A... (Bristolian - and seller of dodgy goods) arranged his return flight from Mauritius such that he could get back to watch the game ! - mind you with his new found facial makeup (he claimed it was a sun tan ?) - we nearly did not recognise him.
So all in all a goodly weekend - even if I did somewhat overdo to the beer intake on Saturday - thanks to the generosity of our ever generous Irish person with building aspirations - J.....
On Tuesday we again gathered at the Riga Crematorium for the service for Viestur's father - Juris Jagers. He died as apparently as he lived - in the fast lane - unfortunately in this case it was while he was in a car. He was 78 years of age, and for the funeral his family had flown in from all across the world to celebrate his life. After the service a wake was held where his life was toasted in Tequila - as he had lived for many years in Mexico - T... ( American raconteur - but noted for his quiet demeanour !!) - tried his level best to drink a toast for each of Janis years. So to Viesturs and his family our condolences at the passing of your father, and thank you for allowing us to share in your celebration of his life.
As this is now the fourth funeral I have attended in Latvia, of one thing I am sure, as and when it is my turn, then I will ensure that there is no somber music, no eulogies - just a celebration of my life, such as it will have been - and plenty of good music, food and wine.
After the wake I retired to De Lacy's to partake of a beer ( I had refrained from any alcohol at the wake) - only to find young J....(English wood organiser) - sitting quietly in the far corner- awaiting the start of the World cricket Cup in the West Indies. Now I have to say that I am not a cricket fan - nonetheless I did join him for the first part of the game. I was introduced to the "Power Play" - not understanding what this was - - it was duly explained to me - and as best I can work out it simply means that all the fieldsmen, apart from two, have to stand inside a circle - not sure why this ritual has been introduced, but in any event you can have three "Power Plays" in a game - so presumably the rest of the game is a "Non Power Play" - where the fielders can stand or being cricket sit, anywhere they like. I always associated a Power Play with Ice Hockey - so how did it get into cricket ? -
surely not to make it more exciting than it already is - hmmmmmm
Also the TV companies do not like spin bowlers, as they do not take long enough in their run up to allow adverts ! - and how many time can you watch the bowler heaving the ball to the batsman - during my brief watch, in one instance they showed a particular episode replay SIX times !
Now all of this was taking place at 4:30 pm in the afternoon - however as happens every day in De Lacy's - the bar staff changed at 5.00pm. In this case young S....(Ukrainian table ice hockey champion) came on - and as his wont changed the music from middle of road type stuff, into his favourite crap choice( Ok it is my opinion), with of course increased volume. Perhaps his own version of a
"Power Play"Now before I go I will admit that :
1- I am old grumpy with a fixed choice in music
2 - I do not like loud music of any kind
3 - Not all that keen on music in Pubs (But it is mandatory in Latvia)
4 - I was not in the best of moods after the funeral
5 - I was rude in my approach to said barman
Having said all of that, there we were watching the cricket match, up in the far corner of the pub, trying to have a conversation - but to no avail - so I remonstrated to S.... to turn the F.......g music down - Now it may have been my approach and the manner of my request (see 5 above) - but needless to say it failed to get any response.
Now it strikes me that Young S...... has somewhat lost the plot, insomuch that I (we) do not go into De Lacy's to get our heads blown off with music, of whatever choice. In fact more often or not we go into to have a chat, enjoy the food and beer. Now it may well be that in later hours of the evening, or indeed at the weekend when the brain dead cretins are in town, that louder music is appropriate. - But at 5.00pm in the afternoon in the middle of the week?
A pub is a pub, it is not a Disco or Night Club
Perhaps all of this, just indicates that in my elder years my level of tolerance is getting lower and lower -or could it be that my concern has some justification ?
As happens every year at this time, Riga is a city in transition, the trees are awaiting whatever signal that nature gives, to open their buds and let the leave and flowers appear as if by magic.
The ladies recognising that Spring is really upon us, are eagerly heading for their hairdresser to see what is the "in" color this year. As far as clothes are concerned it does seem that pink is the in color this year - everywhere you look the ladies are wearing pink - shoes, boots, skirts, jackets etc (not all at once !)
Tonight we are off to celebrate young J..... (English Gate assembler) birthday - he says that he is somewhere in his Forties. The celebrations will commence at the Village Hall and then move on to Da Sergio's for dinner - photographs of the evening will appear later this week
This weekend sees Paddy's Day - so that combined with the weekend influx of cretins - will I think see me retreat from the city centre this weekend - and if the weather holds then perhaps time for the first visit of the year to the beach, and dream of what I am going to do with my winnings from the grand rugby competition, now that with three games to go I have got 75% of my forecasts right !!
Finally a correction to my last Blog, British Airways flights finish at the end of March NOT February as I incorrectly stated.