Revealing Times

So with three weekend results now in hand, time to reveal the current status, as calculated by the depressed Welsh cat flap maker - S.......
But first to the weeks other news, well the main headline is that winter is over ! - we are now basking in temperatures of +1 / +2 degrees - although as I write this a little snow is gently caressing the the skies (now does that not paint a beautiful picture in your mind) - but I suspect it is all in vain - as we have forecast of up to 8 degrees for this weekend.
I spent a goodly part of the weekend wrapped up in bed with a combination of a flu virus and a cold - which has resulted in some of the most obscene cold sores covering my nose and lips (Now there is another picture to paint in your mind !). Thankfully none of this prevented me from having a small indulgent drink over the weekend, although I have to admit it took a great deal of willpower to drag myself down to the weekend watering hole.
I have also received confirmation that the mini bus for Zvannieki will be delivered on the 28th of March - so the grand plan is to present this to J..... (vicar with heart) on Sunday 1st April after the evening service at St. Saviours church. So to all who have contributed you are invited to be there - hope as many of you can make will be there. Time will be around 6.00pm.
Just learned that the colour is white - so the banks logo will be on the front, Smiley logo on the back and the words Zvannieki on both front doors.
Now we all know the Irish are wee bit slow on the uptake - but in the earlier part of last week I was standing outside the establishment, enjoying the early evening air, whilst at the same time trying my best to pollute it with smoke - when I was approached by this young Irish person, who proceeded to take out his wallet and thrust into my hand two hundred Lats, explaining that he had missed the Zvannieki Christmas function, but he would like to make a contribution now, albeit three months after the event.
So to A..... (Irish property magnate and one time lawyer) a big thank you, and your contribution is now ensconced in the bosom of Rietumu bank
Next week will see the return of young I.. (Recently won award for best dressed Scottish accountant) - he hopes to arrive on or around the 13th March - so all of those amongst you, including myself, who have missed his wit (pronounced - wallit)-I am sure he will be delighted to procure a drink or two within the confines of De Lacy's.
On the local scene, again I have to say quiet weekend, interrupted only by a group of cretins and cretinites from the Manchester locale, who suffered from an inability to understand simple signs - like NO SMOKING ! - thankfully they were escorted from the premises, and from what I could understand - never to return.
Next week will see the return of young I.. (Recently won award for best dressed Scottish accountant) - he hopes to arrive on or around the 13th March - so all of those amongst you, including myself, who have missed his wit (pronounced - wallit)-I am sure he will be delighted to procure a drink or two within the confines of De Lacy's.
On the local scene, again I have to say quiet weekend, interrupted only by a group of cretins and cretinites from the Manchester locale, who suffered from an inability to understand simple signs - like NO SMOKING ! - thankfully they were escorted from the premises, and from what I could understand - never to return.
OK I hear you cry enough of this boring stuff - what is the state of play in Six Nations contest. Well no names at this time but I am sure you can figure out where you are
100% right - 0
one wrong - 0
two wrong - 8
three wrong - 9
four wrong - 1
five wrong - 1
I will refrain from naming the individual who has got five wrong, but if per chance he reads the blog this week - Happy Ski-ing !!
I learned this morning that V...... (Doctor of distinction), father died last night in a car accident. I never had the chance to meet with him, but from the tales V..... told of his father's exploits in his latter years, it seemed he lived life to the full. But to V...... and his family - my condolences.
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