Art deco in Riga

Ah well it can happen in the best of companies
So this to bring us to future events, well the big news of the week is that on Sunday 1st April we will formally hand over the new Zvannieki mini-bus. So to all of you, who have kindly donated to the Smiley Fund, please make your way along to St Saviours church for 6.00pm on Sunday evening when the presentation will be made.
On Wednesday evening at De Lacy's M....(Swedish technical guru) is hosting the first Ex Pats "casual meeting" not to be confused with the formal one held each month in the steak house. Young J....(Irish landlord of distinction) has consented to provide nibbles free of charge - it should be good night IF the mid week cretins are barred !! - Time is 7.00pm (I think)
Next weekend sees the return of a former village member R..(of pig in a freezer fame) -he is due in at the weekend - so drinks will be on him for his failure to regularly maintain his village member status.
Now one of the great joys of being in Riga, is the sheer variety of artistic capabilities on show and free to the public, from musicians, painters and street artists. So it was with great pleasure that I now note that De Lacy's is giving such support to these visiting artists during their stay in Riga.
A Special room (actually two) has now been set aside where these budding artists can leave their creative expressions for us all to share. The picture below shows just one of these galleries, the main Irish impressionist [painting in the background I believe was donated by the Guinness family), regretfully it covers up what was I thought was a masterpiece of the expressionist style entitled "Ripped Wallpaper" - in particular I would draw your attention to the minimalist frame
It is interesting to note that as far as I know no other similar establishment has followed this example. so once again De Lacy's leads the way ?? Entrance is free and to ensure comfort when viewing the exhibits a seat is provided alongwith a lockable door to ensure complete seclusion.
Personally I found the styles somewhat repetitive - but I am sure it is early days, perhaps a sign of the common background of the visiting artists (or should that be Artists ?)
Finally a special plea does anyone know a Norwegian speaker here in Riga ? if you do please let me know asap
Bags are packed ready for a fun packed time!!! looking forward to seeing everyone for a beer (even if they are on me!!!) See you all on Friday!! (R)
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