Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
seek and yea shall find

Now a question - What do you get when three men of Celtic persuasion, head for a night out in Riga ? - Answer a seriously sore head. On Friday of last week M.....( high reputation) - J... (low reputation) and J.... (claims to be easily led astray). They started their evening quite innocently in De Lacy's, then meandered to a new restaurant in Elizabetes called Amphora where it is said they drank the place out of wine. Subsequently, and I am sure this was pure coincidence in the choice of restaurant, they happened to be close to a well know night club in Elizabetes. I am told it is a hang out for Jockeys. There they indulged in whatever you indulge in such establishments, but then in the wee hours of the morning, a combined decision saw them leave and head for another evening establishment located in the Reval Hotel. The one good thing was that they all saw a beautiful sunrise, albeit I suspect through rose tinted eyes.
Saturday as I am sure all of you would know was Australia Day, and and is the custom, a number of them took to the cricket field to play cricket. With temperatures well below zero and snow on the ground - I can but offer my congratulations to these hardy soles. On completion of the game they took themselves of to P..... (Irish Pub - but our weekend getaway) - to participate in some well earned refreshments. I suspect the Australian/Latvian cricket team would even give the current English team as good thrashing.
As ever we three explorers joined them, and partook of a game of rugby on the TV, along with a few beers - a most pleasant Saturday.
And finally J......(Australian/Latvian - and did NOT attend Australia Day) has now promised to read my blog, despite his disparaging remarks re blogs in general. So J...... Welcome to the my readership, and I promise I will not publish any negative comment in regards to your good self - now about your bad self - well that is fair game !! - and I am sure your good lady really believes you were out on business last night - does she not ?
Monday, January 22, 2007
Color me blue & violet

Well time passed by and so it came to pass that Australia stuffed England to regain the said Ashes - and in the time honored fashion the ceremony to return the golden Lat was held in our favoured weekend watering hole, prior to the Sunday Rugby fest.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Stormy Times

Monday, January 08, 2007
Under the Weather

Whilst convalescing, I did think back to 2006, and some of the village people that have departed for one reason or another. Not in any particular order
Massimo - Italian bullshitter, apparently escaped to the shores of America, and the best I can say is that they are welcome to him. For someone who we all liked it was sad that his departure was in such disappointing circumstances.
Ron - American Marine bullshitter - again just disappeared, but suspect his demeanour and that of his military superiors were incompatible.
Timothy - English - murdered, but to the best of my knowledge no individual was prosecuted. WHY ??
Harald - Australian/Latvian - died on his feet, wife Marita and his son now in his homeland.
Chu - Malaysian, burner of books- missed by all, but returned to his homeland to seek fame and fortune.
Michael - Irish & Head Honcho of the Bank - departed to his homeland, but still returns with a fair degree of frequency.
Ian - Scottish - Bean Counter Entrepreneur - promises to come back soon when the weather is cold - -he likes to wear his rabbit hat !
Finally, although long since gone I did get a reminder from our ex village New Zealander - M... and the lady he absconded with L....... - clearly they are all doing well and L....... has now become an official KIWI - so good to know we have not been forgotten by the down underers.
I always thought Ned Kelly was Australian ? - prizes for the best captions to go with the above pictures
I do not think I have missed anyone, but if I have, my apologies. As ever life just goes on, and people wander into and out of the the village, but all of them in their own way leave their mark - good and bad.
Now with the final total of the Smiley almost to hand I can reveal that thanks to the generosity of so many people and companies, we raised a total of Ls 1570.00. I will be sending a mail out shortly with a list of donors - however I can advise all that the New Years party organised by U.. (Australian/Latvian bean counter) and J.....( English/Latvian disk jockey), raised Ls129.00 for the cause.
One question for local readers has anyone heard what happened to our British artist, who desecrated the Freedom Monument ? - is he still locked up ?
Spent Saturday afternoon, playing at being a house remover, on behalf of the four Somalians who have staying at the Lutheran Church in Old Riga. But thanks to his most Christian Lutheran Archbishop of Riga, they have been kicked out. They are now staying at a purpose build ( c/o of EU funding some three years ago) at refuge hostel on the outskirts of Riga.
I have to say it is a modern and well equipped building, lacking in only one thing - REFUGEES !! - it has never had any. Where was it when the Somalians were in fact real refugees ?- but I guess the Latvian bureaucrats decided that it was better to keep them locked up in Olaine.
The building is now used for single parents and anyone else who is need of shelter. The occupants are wholly funded by the state - EXCEPT of course for the Somalians, as they are (1) No longer refugees and (2) are not deemed to be in dire straights.
On speaking to Farouk (one of the older Somalians) - it transpires that they are all working in hotels as waiters etc. Two of them were employed by the hotel Konventa Centa, but for the first three months were paid Ls 45.00 per month !!! and then this was increased to Ls 120.00 per month. In both cases well below the minimum monthly wage set by the Government - do you think someone was taking advantage of them ?
Anyhow life is moving on for them, and Farouk at least has now moved on to working in a Casino, again as a waiter and working a night-shift 5.00pm - 5.00am, for Ls 25.00 per night - so while the nights may be long, he is clearly determined to earn and save as much as he can, in order to build a life here in Latvia - Good on him and indeed the others.
For anyone who is remotely interested - the weather is still mild, and shows no sign of relenting - apparently it is all down to the El Niños - now did you know that there cold and warms ones ?
Well a warm one is called El Niños and a cold one is La Niñas - so now you know !!
May the bug be with you !
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
A due reward

I hope that later this week to provide a final update on our Smiley fund Christmas appeal, but suffice to say it has exceeded all our expectations. We did spend a little of the money (Ls290.00) to but them a large ( actually VERY LARGE) chest freezer, as well as providing a little Christmas cheer for the children. I can also confirm that thanks to Rietumu Bank we will deliver in late February a brand new Mini Bus - so hopefully their transport problems will be at an end.
It would be fair to say that Christmas and New year in Riga this year was decidedly weird - what with temperatures of around +5 to +8 degrees, and no snow. Christmas Day a downpour of rain, and on Boxing Day nature tried its best with a little flurry of wet and damp snowflakes - but to no avail.
Even as I write this the temperature is +5 degrees and absolutely so sign of temperatures dropping.
The only excitement I can report on over the Festive period, was panic in De Lacy's on New Years Eve, when once again the water & sewage system decided to pack up, thereby flooding the kitchen, and even making inroads into the bar area - not a pretty sight. Fortunately there were not to many people in the pub at the time, and it was decided by I.....( she with the stunning smile bar type person) to close shop until such times as a repairman good attend and fix said problem.
Can you imagine in the UK trying to get a plumber out on New Years Eve - mission impossible - but to Latvia's credit I understand that a plumber did show up, and the evenings festivities did take place.
The one good thing about Christmas is that it was Cretin free, at least from the British breed, however the Finns did there best to make up for it and to take advantage of the low alcohol prices. Regretfully the same cannot be said for New Year, as once again Ryan Air et al ferried in, the now annual invasion of morons, who in good British custom proceeded to get legless, watch football and generally continue to maintain the reputation and great traditions of Brits abroad.
Now I have to confess I did watch a little football - Reading v Manchester United and Reading v West Ham. All in all they did pretty good over the period - and once again the Reading hoodoo goes on. Every manager who has walked out on Reading - McGhee and Pardew, have (1) failed at there new club and (2) and that club has subsequently been through hard times - think Wolves and now West Ham.
Finally a word of good cheer in regards to Juris Calitis and Sandre,( Zvannieki Home) - after all the trials and tribulations that Juris in particular went through in 2006, excommunicated from Lutheran Church - lost his Lutheran congregation, pilloried in the press re his support of the Gay Pride Parade etc - he Sandre were recognised in a broadcast on Latvian television, and in the presence of the Latvian President - as one of the Latvian Men and Women of Year - for there work at Zvannieki. If I may say so - Not before time - and watching in the audience were many of the Children from the home - Not a dry in the house
So what are we to make of 2007 - well in accordance with EU rules, Latvia will experience higher Gas, Petrol, liquor and tobacco prices - all in an effort to comply with EU rules on "harmonising" taxes across the EU. Me thinks our Gordon Brown has been giving out free info on how to fleece the taxpayers.
For me I simply hope that I will still be here to write on the goings on in 2007 - however as this time of the year is always a time for wishing all the best to our fellow man, I would like to share with you a message which I received this year
"Always remember for 2007
* Life is Short
* Forgive Quickly
* Break the Rules
* Kiss Slowly
* Love Truly
* Laugh Uncontrollably
* Never regret anything that made you Smile"
So with that in mind to all you read this blog I wish you health, wealth and every success in your endeavours in 2007