The Masked Avenger strikes again

Ahhhhh the suffering we must bear for Christmas !
Speaking of Christmas on Thursday of last week some 25+ manly men attended a Christmas dinner to raise money for the Smiley Fund Christmas Appeal for the children at Zvannieki.
For the evening and at great expense we had hired P....(owner of killer dog) as chef - and it has to be said he cooked a superb meal. We had the lot Soup, Turkey, Pork, stuffing, vegetables, roast potatoes, Christmas pudding, Mince pies, and wine in abundance.
After dinner we held a raffle consisting of a TV and DVD player, dinner for two, a Welsh Rugby film (???) a surprise gift and - funds for the purchase of mini bus for the home. The latter was donated by Rietumu Bank, so on behalf of Zvannieki allow me to say a huge thank to M..... B.... (Irish and ex head honcho of the bank) and indeed all at the bank you one way or another managed to get this amazing donation approved.
At the time of writing it looks as though when all the funds are in and all the expenses are paid, we will have raised over Ls 1220.00 , but I will publish the final figure later as it could increase.
Let me also say a big thanks to the owner of Ainavas Hotel - K...... (Latvian Swimming Champion) - for his hospitality. Strongly recommend this hotel to stay in for those of you visiting riga - check out for details.
The actual night was a stunning success, and even the piece de resistance prize unknowingly donated by and subsequently won by said owner of De Lacy's - J.... - which was finally auctioned to young J.... B..... (Scottish and clearly with no taste) - Lord only only knows what he is going to do with an illuminated Mary, Joseph & Jesus picture, donate it to a home for the blind ?
For my part I was slightly inebriated, but I understand that certain gentlemen carried on the festivities at De Lacy's - of which I will say no more, other than what does the song NORWEGIAN WOOD remind a person not to be named of ?

The evening was hosted by the company who owns a major industrial park outside Riga - Nordic Industries - and what an amazing sight greeted us on entry into the building - All the persons were in serious period costume, complete with masks (No Lone Ranger in sight). Regretfully I had not been informed that I was required to wear a mask, but no matter, in reception were a whole range of masks which on could acquire, so we duly did, and then proceeded into the main area itself. I have to confess the reception drink, complete with cherry, did seem a little out of place in my hand, which is much more accustomed to holding a pint - finally having explored the cellars of the building we proceeded upstairs into the main hall - where a buffet had been laid out, which looked and was superb.
If you are visiting Riga please make sure you visit the Blackheads house, quite amazing to see the restored building and the original cellars.
Now they say that every picture tells a story, so I will leave it to yourself as to what story lies behind the picture below and just in case you ask - YES that was the welcoming drink ! Personally I think he looks a right t.t
Prizes will awarded for the best caption - send either as a comment or by e-mail
Just as it seemed time to depart, it was announced that a competition was to be held for the best costume, and without warning a lady of Icelandic origination, took it upon herself to approach me and ask me to accompany her onto the floor - how to refuse ?
So before I new it there I was prancing around the floor, complete with mask, whilst the judges made there decision. This seemed to take a long time, as I ended having to dance a waltz with her - and as anyone who knows me - dancing is not one of my skills.
Finally and to my relief the winners were announced - and the first prize went to a Malaysian gentleman, dressed as a Ninja killer, compete with sword and black - face covering mask - WEIRD was the word for it - maybe it was a bit like our raffle - Fixed !!
Well after this experience a serious drink was required so we beat a hasty retreat to De Lacy's - before heading for home.
Returning to funds raised - I plan to give Ls 200.00 in cash for Christmas use, and also to buy a chest freezer - which will allow them to freeze both summer fruits and also larger lumps of meat - like pigs.
Well another year is fast drawing to a close, and the weather here in Riga is still mild, although hit has in the last few days tried to snow - so we may well see a white Christmas. It funny how at this time of year we choose to get in touch with people that we have not seen or spoken too for a long time - well this week I received an e-mail from G...... (Australian, bald - part joiner) - he is doing well - sends his regards to all (I will omit the bit about English Cricketers) - and hopes to be in Riga in 2007.
Finally and with benefit of the reader of Guardian Newspaper in Latvia , and I quote
"Sarah Boseley, health editor
Thursday December 14, 2006
The Guardian
Circumcision can halve the risk of a man picking up the HIV infection which leads to Aids, scientists in the
Yesterday Kevin de Cock, head of the World Health Organisation's HIV/Aids department, said it could cut the numbers of infected men by "many tens of thousands, many hundreds of thousands and maybe millions over coming years".
You could not make it up if you tried !!
So to one and all, allow me to wish you A Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year, and at my tender years, it is good have seen another one through - I wonder what 2007 will bring ? - apart from higher cigarette prices !!