Off and Running

Next week sees the Christmas special dinner on the 14th December, to date some 19 people have confirmed there attendance, with about another 4-5 who will hopeful confirm later this week.
J.....(Irish limbo champion) has also arranged for "Whiskey tasting" session on the evening of 19th December at De Lacy's, all we have to do is figure out a way to raise funds from the Smiley from this event. If you have any ideas please let me know. The event is being sponsored by Pernod Ricard Latvia, and hosted by Sean Noonan. So I think I can safely say it will be Irish Whiskey we will be tasting.
Since the departure of our NATO friends, the city has once again returned to normal, namely total traffic chaos in the morning and evening - why anyone brings a car into Riga I do not know, you cannot park, or if you can it will cost anywhere between Ls1.00 - Ls 2.00 per hour, and when you want to move on - who are into an immediate traffic jam. Somebody suggested that they paint the yellow boxes ala the UK, at road intersections. But does anyone actually believe that the average Latvian driver would take any notice ? - I think not !.
A new wine bar has opened in/beside the hotel Latvia, it is called the D'vine (get it ?) - It appears to be on two floors, and from the outside looks like the spaceship Enterprise. Apparently it has wine on "tap" - so if who fancy a glass of wine, poured like a beer, and to be able to sit on high stools, under the purple lights -it is just the place for you !
I have to make a comment in regards to the weather, it is warm ! and there appears to be no sign of a cold spell not indeed snow - could this be my first Christmas in Riga with no snow ?
So all in all a quiet last weekend, no rugby of note, and not to much sign of the cretins, although 25+ of them did turn up at Paddies last Saturday, and immediately ordered 25 beers and 25 steak and chips - I think they are still waiting for the steaks - a word of warning to all who may visit Paddies, it is not the greatest nor fastest kitchen in town.
This weekend sees me off to the UK, so unlikely to see much of the rugby, but I will get to hold my granddaughter and procure a few much needed items for Christmas - Turkey, Christmas pudding, Crackers etc.
So to all readers have a good one, and as ever if you feel like making a contribution to our Smiley fund, send the money to the Zvannieki bank - details can be found on the left hand side of this blog, If you do please indicate on the money transfer who you are, so that we can say thanks, alternatively drop me an e-mail.
Hi David,
I am planning to go to Riga this summer and I don't whether to book a hotel outside city center or in the center as I'll have a car and I don't know where can I leave it for 3 days.
I've heard there is a cheap parking next to train station but I not certain.
I would appreaciate if you could tell me something:
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