Slugging it out

Last week saw not a lot happening, loads of Rugby at the weekend, albeit that I was seriously under the weather, I managed to catch a few of the games, the best for me being the Leicester match against Munster, with both teams slugging it out in appalling conditions, and with the the last kick of the game winning it for Munster. Lesson to Leicester forwards "do not argue with the referee" because in doing so he moved the penalty 10 yards ( or was it meters ?) forward, and voila three points and the game. Replays showed that it had been a knock on, so the penalty should never have been awarded anyway !!
Cretins as usual, but his weekend saw a seriously obnoxious crowd, hailing from Northern Ireland - but as ever Upstairs at P...... provided a degree of sanctuary.
Riga itself is clearly preparing itself for the onslaught of winter, with all of the squares now empty, with the exception of a few hardy soles, still plying their trade in trying to sell Latvian souvenirs to the tourists - and yes there are still quite a few.
Still awaiting the arrival of my SKY box from I.. (Scottish person with pretensions of being an accountant), he has promised that he has sent it, but if it the promise is anything like his promise to get me some Scottish Pies, then I suspect it will get lost in the mail system between the UK and Latvia.
I have been quite remiss is mentioning a new member to the village, P.... (Finnish with Irish accent !) - recently arrived and working, I think, as an electrical engineer with V...(Australian-Latvian builder of distinction - the distinction being has he actually ever built a house ?) - Welcome to Riga P.... and thanks for buying a round of drinks and good luck with the dog walking (do not ask !) They are clearly very busy particularly in planning there work, I espied them deep in conversation in De Lacy's only the other afternoon, where they assured me that they were discussing business - if so why De Lacy's ?? - and should you ask why I was in De Lacy's at 4.30-ish in the afternoon I was on my way back from meeting with Philip - see previous blog.
Now on a most serious note De Lacy's has run out of Wexford, my favourite tipple - how can this happen ?? - shows signs of serious mismanagement on behalf of the little person. I think the cretins should be barred from drinking it, if it is in such short supply.
Finally did you read this
"The Times turns its attention to the growing problem of sea slug smuggling.
The creatures can fetch up to £350 a kilogram in Asian markets. Also known as Sea Cucumbers and Sea Rats, they are being targeted by Japanese smugglers.
The creatures breathe through their anus and, when alarmed by predators, fire sticky threads and vomit their internal organs, which later regrow.
The paper says the delicacy is gutted, boiled, dried and enjoyed by Japanese diners with cold sake."
Sounds a great feast - does it not - almost on par with Latvian Christmas food !
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