Is life not strange ?

Well as is the way of the world, all of this publicity has brought about about a potential change in their fortunes.
A local businessman, based in Sigulda, on learning of the homes plight, approached the home with a proposal which would enable them to move into a new home, and more importantly provide for a secure future.
But if any of you are in a position to make a financial contribution to help fit out the new house, then either send funds to the Smiley account or direct to the Zvannieki Majas bank account

The house itself is very impressive, having been previously used as a Farm style boarding house - it is fully furnished, and requires a minimal amount of work to get it into a condition where they can move in.
The next few weeks should prove to be interesting.
On the news front not a great deal to report, S..... (that bar type person who apparently loves Liverpool football club) has now leaped up to number 862 in the world in the Table Ice Hockey league, and apparently without playing a game !! - Strange is it not.
This weekend sees the 205th anniversary of Riga, and I understand that there are a number of celebrations going on, quite what I do not know - but if the weather holds I will check out.
Watched the Russia v Latvia football match the other evening, and would you believe it with 2 seconds to go in extra time - Russia scored - result 1-0.
So there we go, another week has passed us by, S.....(Welsh & dabbles in plastic) and his good lady A...... are off back to Sunny Wales - and still no sign of the missing Aussies, F....., V.... and J..... - and next week sees the start of the Premier League football season !!!!!!!! - which will guarantee the invasion of the cretins into de Lacy's to get there weekly fix of 22 men kicking a ball, and being paid unreal sums of money for doing so - Strange is it not ?
However I do have to confess a modicom of interest, as this season for the first time Reading Football Club will feature in the Premier League. Can you imagine Reading v Manchester United - now that will be strange !!
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