PJ's at PJ's
I have been somewhat remiss in keeping the blog updated, but over the last few days we have had some simply unbelievable weather, averaging 30 degrees plus, and the forecast for the next few days is simply stunning - see below
So to all of you out , particularly in the southern hemisphere - eat your heart out !!
For those of in Riga, at this time of year one of the joys is to sit outside - have a beer - -and just watch the world go by. Well the other day sitting at De Lacey's ( OK it is not outside - but the windows were open) - and along came two young men in there look at me I got a Ferrari type car.
However their timing was poor, and they chose to arrive just as the the rubbish truck arrived - so they were stuck - and not in the prime area - De Lacey's on one side and the Hesburger take aways on the other side. So for the best part of 10 minutes they sat having to suffer the bemused looks from us poorer mortals - serves them right - as everybody knows the rubbish truck arrives at exactly 7.0pm every evening.
This week saw a benefit concert held in St Saviours church, on behalf of the Zvannieki home, it was a delightful concert - but the highlight was at the end when all of the children, immaculately dressed, assembled at the front of the alter, and proceeded to sing, it brought the house down and I have to confess, tears to my eyes, hopefully I will get pictures at a later date. On the subject of the home, the work on the road will be started next week, courtesy of J... ( Irish - master road builder) and also through his company work on the exterior and interior of the house should be done in July / August.
Now as I mentioned in a previous blog Riga can be a dangerous place, and I know that in publishing the following images, I will be putting my life on the line, but as a fearless blog writer I feel it is my responsibility to advise others what they could see if they choose to accept an invitation to join P.... ( English with passing interest in horses) - at his country home , near to Tukums. These images are not for the faint hearted,-

You have been warned !! - though to be fair what do any of look like first thing in the morning, but as for style, well the PJ's take some beating - Nice one P..... ! - I should point out that out that it was not I you tok these images - just one on P..... friends (hmmmm) - he who sells banged about goods - but I promised not to repeat his name, in case retribution was to take place.
Now as I have said before it always nice to get feedback from readers re the blog, a few weeks back I published some not to complimentary comments re the Opera Spoks - well in response to this I received an e-mail ( not a comment) from a Theatre critic based in the UK - suffice to say he was not to pleased with that which I had wrote.
I feel therefore obliged to share with you his comments as well as his amazing insight as to my personality - and remember all of this just from reading my blog -
"dear sir
i just happened upon your comments on the opera spoks concert. it is clear that you have faeces in your ears if you think that the english christine screeched her way through the concert. how can you possibly say that the latvian singers out classed her. are you deaf? the vibratos in their voices were far too wide and their acting appalling and if anyone sreeched it was the latvian soprano who played carlotta-scream would describe better how she attempted to sing. your opinions are obviously pathetically biased.
i agree that the english phantom was past it. there are far better british phantoms that they could have chosen. but being a professional theatre critic who has seen phantom in the west end on numerous occasions, i think that the christine sang beautifully as well as looked beautiful and her acting was charming. better than the christines i have seen in the west end. did you not see from her biography that she has played christine in the west end anyway.
you are obviously a nasty, bitchy old queen (nasty old homosexual in other words) who has nothing better to do than to write complete rubbish on a pointless website. how sad and lonely your life must be.
blogg off! "
As you will gather I think I touched a nerve - so to S.... T..... - many thanks for taking the time - sorry you do not like the blog, - and if the opportunity ever arises I look forward to reading your critiques of theatre performances, as clearly you have an amazing way with words.
To everyone else have a great weekend, as clearly the call of the beach will be strong, oh and of course there is always the World Cup final, and the beginning of the Tri-Nations championship, and to all of those who are planning to visit Riga, -
A word of warning to the smokers among you - YOU CANNOT ! - as of 1st July smoking is effectively banned in bars, restaurants etc, even to the extent of the outdoors bars and cafes - however the good news is that whilst who cannot smoke in the bar - you can still buy them there - Nice one J.... (Irish Pub owner of International renown). Now that what I call an entrepreneurial spirit .

So to all of you out , particularly in the southern hemisphere - eat your heart out !!

However their timing was poor, and they chose to arrive just as the the rubbish truck arrived - so they were stuck - and not in the prime area - De Lacey's on one side and the Hesburger take aways on the other side. So for the best part of 10 minutes they sat having to suffer the bemused looks from us poorer mortals - serves them right - as everybody knows the rubbish truck arrives at exactly 7.0pm every evening.
This week saw a benefit concert held in St Saviours church, on behalf of the Zvannieki home, it was a delightful concert - but the highlight was at the end when all of the children, immaculately dressed, assembled at the front of the alter, and proceeded to sing, it brought the house down and I have to confess, tears to my eyes, hopefully I will get pictures at a later date. On the subject of the home, the work on the road will be started next week, courtesy of J... ( Irish - master road builder) and also through his company work on the exterior and interior of the house should be done in July / August.
Now as I mentioned in a previous blog Riga can be a dangerous place, and I know that in publishing the following images, I will be putting my life on the line, but as a fearless blog writer I feel it is my responsibility to advise others what they could see if they choose to accept an invitation to join P.... ( English with passing interest in horses) - at his country home , near to Tukums. These images are not for the faint hearted,-

You have been warned !! - though to be fair what do any of look like first thing in the morning, but as for style, well the PJ's take some beating - Nice one P..... ! - I should point out that out that it was not I you tok these images - just one on P..... friends (hmmmm) - he who sells banged about goods - but I promised not to repeat his name, in case retribution was to take place.
Now as I have said before it always nice to get feedback from readers re the blog, a few weeks back I published some not to complimentary comments re the Opera Spoks - well in response to this I received an e-mail ( not a comment) from a Theatre critic based in the UK - suffice to say he was not to pleased with that which I had wrote.
I feel therefore obliged to share with you his comments as well as his amazing insight as to my personality - and remember all of this just from reading my blog -
"dear sir
i just happened upon your comments on the opera spoks concert. it is clear that you have faeces in your ears if you think that the english christine screeched her way through the concert. how can you possibly say that the latvian singers out classed her. are you deaf? the vibratos in their voices were far too wide and their acting appalling and if anyone sreeched it was the latvian soprano who played carlotta-scream would describe better how she attempted to sing. your opinions are obviously pathetically biased.
i agree that the english phantom was past it. there are far better british phantoms that they could have chosen. but being a professional theatre critic who has seen phantom in the west end on numerous occasions, i think that the christine sang beautifully as well as looked beautiful and her acting was charming. better than the christines i have seen in the west end. did you not see from her biography that she has played christine in the west end anyway.
you are obviously a nasty, bitchy old queen (nasty old homosexual in other words) who has nothing better to do than to write complete rubbish on a pointless website. how sad and lonely your life must be.
blogg off! "
As you will gather I think I touched a nerve - so to S.... T..... - many thanks for taking the time - sorry you do not like the blog, - and if the opportunity ever arises I look forward to reading your critiques of theatre performances, as clearly you have an amazing way with words.

A word of warning to the smokers among you - YOU CANNOT ! - as of 1st July smoking is effectively banned in bars, restaurants etc, even to the extent of the outdoors bars and cafes - however the good news is that whilst who cannot smoke in the bar - you can still buy them there - Nice one J.... (Irish Pub owner of International renown). Now that what I call an entrepreneurial spirit .
PS : for those who do not know and have not guessed PJ's was an English/American slangterm for pygamas
Hello David,
as a regular Riga-traveler I´m also reading your Blog regularly. But still I couldn´t find out why you always write the name of your favorite pub wrong? ;-)
No offence,
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