Its been a while !
Well as many of you have remarked it is some time since I updated this blog - no great excuse - just sheer laziness and in part the fact that thre has not been that much to comment on.
So what has been going on ? - well in June we saw he annual festival of Ligo and Jani - and as usual it was accompanied by rain - although to be accurate it did not not rain on Ligo evening - as usual I visited the Ligo fair and acquired the mandatory headgear - I dread to think of the amount of trees that suffer for this festival
Then later we had the arrival of F..... ( Australian - king of hostel world) father, who had not seen his son for over 10 years - but as you can see he is one for the ladies - just like his son !
He was an outstanding character - and I am sure he enjoyed his stay in Riga !
So that just about takes care of June !-other than to say the weather was wonderful.
July saw the return of J... ( Australian - absentee SIP king) after his six month + tour of Down Under, much to the relief of his beloved lady S....... (Russian - queen of hair).
Speaking of returns July also saw the annual Guinness binging contest hosted ( and won) by A... (English - used to work for Macaroni or something like that)
July also sees the possibility of loosing young T... (Swedish - likes to play with Scania trucks). Now I am not going to indicate where he is off to - suffice to say it is highly unlikely he will need this outfit where he is going - more like an armour plated suite !
In my new found role of film director at the Kiwibar - my first "moving pictures" are now published for the world to see - some of which can be viewed at or if you want check out YouTube and search for "scotinriga" - what else !
But for a quick look see below - you might recognise M..... ( Former barman at de Lacy's) - but he did have hair back in those days !
And finally next month August - the 5th to be exact - will see the 3rd anniversary of the closing of De Lacy's sowith grateful thanks to J..... ( Landlord supreme) and his Facebook page two photographs from the past

Well thats it for now, will do my best to update more frequently - be good !