All Change
Last Tuesday saw the farewell drinks for our soon to depart Australian/Latvian J.... ( he with upstanding hair). Given the departure of so many of the village people a good turnout was achieved - see pictures below.

I cannot believe how quickly the year has gone by, and in a couple of weeks it will once again be time to visit the British War Memorial in Jelgava, but this time I suspect it will be a journey alone - and for the first time no British Ambassador will attend. This is due to the fact that the previous Ambassador had to return to the UK, due to the ill health of his wife, and no replacement until April 2010. No idea why - I would have thought the Foreign Office must have a host of ambassadorial candidates - maybe I should apply ?
Speaking of Ambassadorial candidates with the departure J..... ( See above) who will act in the interests of all those Australian's here in Riga, as apart from his mainstream business he was of course the the official Australian representative in Latvia - again we can wait and see. But I will give you a clue he in one of the pictures above !!!
Last weekend saw some fascinating Rugby Games - but unlike in previous years only three people to watch the games - me, J.... ( Australian - just SIPing along) and C.... ( English - newly established printer guru). Thought the Irish teams are doing remarkably well !!! - who would thought Glasgow and Edinburgh would trounce Connacht and Munster - no doubt reality will strike later, and what can we say about our favourite Welsh team - The Ospreys - not a lot - sorry S....( Welsh - sadly missed rugby pundit).
So what of Riga you may ask ? - well as in every year Riga is in period change - from the wonders of summer, sunshine - outdoor bars - cheap beer - to the joys of a winter wonderland - but in the middle this dull, dour greyness is creeping over. Frankly it is a bit miserable - however just to keep us cheered up, this week has seen two "major" events.
Firstly we had our world famous meteorite land, which ultimately proved to be marketing stunt by Tele2, to promote Latvia in the news in a positive manor for a change ??? - then yesterday saw Riga come to complete standstill for the best part of 4 hours - why because some young presumably mentally deranged man climbed to the top of the Vansu bridge because he claimed he wanted a better view of the city - but as the authorities decided to close the bridge the end result was total gridlock in the city - absolutely nothing was moving.
Finally some of you may remember my attempts to set up an online book market to sell my old collection of books, which has proven to not be one of my best marketing endeavours - well if I had a problem what about this guy ?

Speaking of Ambassadorial candidates with the departure J..... ( See above) who will act in the interests of all those Australian's here in Riga, as apart from his mainstream business he was of course the the official Australian representative in Latvia - again we can wait and see. But I will give you a clue he in one of the pictures above !!!
Last weekend saw some fascinating Rugby Games - but unlike in previous years only three people to watch the games - me, J.... ( Australian - just SIPing along) and C.... ( English - newly established printer guru). Thought the Irish teams are doing remarkably well !!! - who would thought Glasgow and Edinburgh would trounce Connacht and Munster - no doubt reality will strike later, and what can we say about our favourite Welsh team - The Ospreys - not a lot - sorry S....( Welsh - sadly missed rugby pundit).
So what of Riga you may ask ? - well as in every year Riga is in period change - from the wonders of summer, sunshine - outdoor bars - cheap beer - to the joys of a winter wonderland - but in the middle this dull, dour greyness is creeping over. Frankly it is a bit miserable - however just to keep us cheered up, this week has seen two "major" events.
Firstly we had our world famous meteorite land, which ultimately proved to be marketing stunt by Tele2, to promote Latvia in the news in a positive manor for a change ??? - then yesterday saw Riga come to complete standstill for the best part of 4 hours - why because some young presumably mentally deranged man climbed to the top of the Vansu bridge because he claimed he wanted a better view of the city - but as the authorities decided to close the bridge the end result was total gridlock in the city - absolutely nothing was moving.
Finally some of you may remember my attempts to set up an online book market to sell my old collection of books, which has proven to not be one of my best marketing endeavours - well if I had a problem what about this guy ?