Britain and Aussie Rule in Riga

I took a trip out to the mall in which it is located - Domina Shopping Centre, I have never been there although it has been opened for some two years. Now I have to confess it is not the biggest M & S store I have ever seen, in fact I suspect it is the smallest in the M & S empire. It was weird to read the labels as most were in English, with prices in sterling. Nice mark up on the items - one example was vests ( pack of three) priced at £9.50 in UK, but Ls 10.90 here in Riga.
From what I can gather it is a franchise operation. Quite why they chose this particular Mall, I have no idea, and on Sunday it was quite deserted, and there was no Rimi, so all you could do was buy clothes or shoes, in fact every other shop was a shoe shop, but as they all sell the weirdest shaped men's shoes I still cannot buy a pair.
Very heavy influx of cretins in town over the weekend, but however did manage to watch the Reading v Manchester United game on Saturday in relative peace at Paddies - did they not do well ! - and as for the golf - well simply brilliant !
On the Zvannieki front met up with S..... ( Canadian/Latvian and a vicar to boot) - and things are progressing fine at the new home. One little problem arose with a young man called Anton, he was due to return to USA where he is studying, but when he transited through Amsterdam, he was effectively mugged, and had his visa ripped put of his passport, resulting in him being sent back to Riga. Unfortunately the American Embassy are proving a little difficult in issuing a new visa, as they are not convinced of his story regarding how he lost the original visa - anybody got contact in the Embassy ? Have finally managed to get Rietumu Bank to re-issue codes etc, so that I can access the Smiley Fund Bank account via the Internet.
Also on Saturday 7th October I need volunteers to assist in moving the heavy stuff from Zvannieki to the new home - let me know if you canhelp -we have organised two vans to help with the move.
Still enjoying our Indian summer - but how long will it last, anyhow have got the winter coat ready for action. And for those who do not know it officially Autumn, and Winter does not start ( officially at least) until 22nd December - so that is something to look forward to !
This week saw the Flying Pickets in town - anybody remember them ? -
Now on the Strange but true front this week two stories caught my attention

First the flying pig from Australia

So there we go - another week has simply flown past - and speaking of the past - M.... ( New Zealand wood worker) and his good lady - are you still there ???? - and why are you not keeping in touch !!
And finally this weeked sees that annual festival of "sport" the Aussie Rules Grand final, this year between the Sydney Swans and West Coast Eagles - full info at - so let the mayhem begin - start time at De Lacy's is 8.00am - for those of us not fortunate enought to even begin to understand the rules ( are there any ?) - then check out where all will be explained !! - not sure if I am going to make this, but for those who do - enjoy !