Its a funny old world

Well last weekend a young lady from Upchurch, Medway, UK searched for "Riga 1919" and lo and behold found my blog in regards to last years Remembrance Day memorial service in Jelgava
It transpires that her Great Grandfather was one of the people killed in action in 1919 - she e-mailed me to say and I quote
I just wanted to say a big Thank you for this post and well- the whole of your blog which I really enjoy reading. I also attended the Ceremony at Jelgava and had a chuckle at some of your experiences .
I live in the UK but have visited Riga 3 times due to my interest in my Family History. My Great Grandfather was one of 9 killed in action during 1919 while serving aboard HMS Dragon at Riga.Thanks to your blog I've been inspired to set up a website about HMS Dragon and start a blog myself.
It's early days for both projects but I thought I would give you some credit and my thanks!!
I would like if possible to use one or 2 of your photos on my website and blog as I didn't get a chance to use my camera on the day.
I'll be back in Riga later this year and I'll look out for you!
Lu x
By the way..I have nothing but praise for The Earl Of Carlisle who has been so useful with my Family Research did much of the research necessary to confirm the names of those killed in action and has pushed for there to be a permanent Memorial to those killed in action in the Baltic during the fight for Independence during 1918-20.
Thanks to him 2 plaques now bear these names, the first in Tallinn and the 2nd at Portsmouth Cathedral. A 3rd is due to be unveiled in Riga later this year. "
If you would like to check out Lu's blog go to or for her web page on the events of 1919 visit - I found the latter to be real interesting.
Also her comments in regards to the Earl of Carlisle go along way to explaining why he was there and the part he has played in not allowing those who died in Riga to be forgotten.
Well last weekend saw a stunning game of Rugby, with Munster running out worthy winners, but what was really amazing (at least to me) was to see the crowds both in the Millenium Stadium and in Limerick, where it appeared the whole population plus some, were out in the streets watching the game. God the celebrations that night will be talked about for the next few years.
Oh, and in case you are wondering Sweden won the World Ice Hockey championship, and to make it a Scandinavian double, the Finnish rock band won the Euro-vision Song Contest, I think they are going to have to change the title for next year to European Crap Song contest - who in god's name voted for that song - well the UK gave it 12 points (the maximum) - so that explains a lot !!
For anybody visiting Riga in the next few days, bring an umbrella, the weather for the last few days has seen some pretty heavy rain, and temperatures around 8-9 degrees - not exactly summer.
With championship over, I guess the British cretins will have the town to themselves for the rest of the summer, although hopefully the majority will be saving their pennies, so that they can go and watch the World Cup in Germany.
So to Lu, many thanks for your kind comments and of course you can use any photographs you wish, and I look forward to meeting with you, when you are next in Riga - See you in De Lacey's !
Thanks again for taking the time to reply and mention my website and blog. I've had a few hits now and am pleased with the feedback.
I've just gone out and bought a new scanner so hopefully should get some more photos uploaded later (if I don't lose the instructions..)
I like your site and it's given me a few suggestions on places to go in Riga later in the year.
Bye for now.
excellent post.
that is true about blogs, you dont know who will come to it!
i found your link via globe of blogs.
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