The Mouse That roared

The business bit I will skip - but the social side saw me get into the fence erection business on behalf of my daughter, what with my bad back and using muscles that have not been used in years, the following day saw in serious state of disrepair - and the mouse ? - ah well it seems that a small (very small) field mouse had taken up residency in my ex 's garden shed - and was setting about devouring all that it could find.

Of course being a garden shed, meant that it was stuffed with all sorts, so they had to be removed, before any mouse catching could take place. As usual in these circumstances it was only upon removing the very last piece of garden accoutrement, that said mouse was spotted.
The next 15 minutes were spent with ex ( D...... and an English Lady), shouting from outside the shed "catch it !" - which if you have ever tried is easier said than done.
Eventually with the aid of a plastic box, the mouse was captured - but now what ? - kill it - sorry cannot do that. So off I went taking my new found friend of on a walk to find a safe place in which to release him (or her ?) - Another first in my life - taking a mouse for a walk ! ( I can feel a Chic Murray moment coming on). Now I am not sure if it roared, but one thing was for certain it was not a happy mouse, being removed from its comfortable lodgings.
Now came the tricky bit, replacing contents of shed back in in roughly the same order as when they came out.

Now to all my blog readers - I know this blog is supposed to about Riga, but just every now and then I am allowed to deviate into my domestic life. )
If you want to see a BIG picture of little S.... ( English - but think Distell) - then click on picture.
But back to Riga on Monday I came, and what a joy to arrive at airport that is of a manageable size, Gatwick is not bad, but how far do you really have to walk to catch a plane ? and now we have the Skyway, which is just another name for a big bridge, with huge escalators. Apparently aircraft can pass underneath ( Why bother ?).

So in addition to the English and the Irish, we have Swedes, Finns, Canadians, Swiss etc etc, all competing to watch the game, be it Football or Ice Hockey - It is going to be interesting - is it not.
Latvia's first game is on friday night, so I will take myself down to Congress Nams where they have erected a huge screen and of course the mandatory beer tent. Will don my Latvian Tee shirt and join the hords shouting encouragement to the Latvian team. Wonder what the Cretins will make of it all ?
For those of you who read this blog but do not live or visit Latvia, thought that you might like to know that Spring has finally arrived. All over Riga the Trees are sprouting leaves, and the outdoor cafes are appearing on the scene - it is like watching a city in transformation, from one dark grey place into one which is a joy to behold - Magical.
Today is a simply beautiful day, the sun is shining, the temperature is around 22 degrees, and we are on holiday - remembering Latvia's first declaration of independance, I think. So parades all across town, and the chance just to sit in the sunshine, read a book, drink a beer and enjoy - wonderful. Unfortunately back to work tomorrow.
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