The Five S's
Well as we all know the World Ice Hockey championship continues unabated, or in the case of Latvia continuously beaten, but you have to admire the Latvian supporters, even when the team was getting trashed 9-0, the supporters showed their admiration for the referee(s)by donating coins to them - well actually casting them onto the ice rink, so that they could collect them. No record of how much was donated, but such generosity - apparently one kind supporter even donated a shoe. How he knew the referee needed one I do not know.
The papers have reported a number of arrests during the hockey championship, with the Finns leading the arrest league ( now there is a surprise) - but the best one was a slightly inebriated Finn, who on leaving the Arena, reported to the police that someone had stolen his boat, which he claimed he had moored outside the arena. Needless to say he did spend the night in bunk - a police bunk. (just in case you are wondering the Riga arena is landlocked)
Saturday did take myself, S...... (Welsh - likes Rugby) and his good lady A..... (likes Lava bread) off to the sea side, in order that she could enjoy for herself the sun, sand and sea at Jurmula.
As you can see it was a beautiful sunny day, and having strolled along the beach, we took ourselves off to strut our stuff on the main boulevard, whereupon A..... sampled some Latvian Saldiem.
We being men partook of a well deserved beer, before we headed for Riga.
As has been mentioned before the hotels and restaurants of Riga were all prepared for a bumper season during the Ice Hockey Championships. To maximise what they thought would be sell out, they decided to significantly increase prices. I am delighted to report that in nearly all cases the hotels have a significant number of empty rooms - serves them right for trying to profiteer.
Which brings me to Saturday afternoon De Lacey's were showing the English Cup final - and as you might guess the Liverpudlian cretins were there in force - surprise - surprise we did not go in. So it was off Tim McShanes, which was pleasantly quiet ( remember no SKY TV) - but horror - the price for a beer, a cider and a glass of water had rocketed to over Ls7.00. Appalled at these prices, we bid a quick farewell and took ourselves of to Paddies, again, at least upstairs it was reasonably quiet, even with the Cup Final on, but again the prices for drinks was nearly double the normal prices.
I am delighted to report that the one establishment which has NOT increased its prices, is De Lacey's - perhaps explains why it was mobbed, unlike the others. So to J..... ( he of diminutive stature, heart of gold AND with a good sense for ongoing business) - Congratulations on having to sense to keep normal prices, thereby ensuring that those of us who regularly frequent the pub will continue to do so, unlike the other establishments whose owners clearly do not value our business.
Well this week should see Latvia's interest in the Hockey come to an end, but as we still have another week to go, I guess we just have to make do with Scandinavian contingent to prevent Canada from romping away with championship. Unfortunately the Finns have a good team so their moronic supportes will be with us for another week.
Next weekend sees the final of the Heineken Cup in Cardiff, and thanks to J... (Australian and dabbles in wood) - he has arranged for the upstair bar ( well one corner of it) to be reserved so we can watch the Rugby.
This is godsend as the Rugby final conflicts with one of the Ice Hocket semi-finals.
So there we have it another week, and to A....., I trust you enjoyed your five S's on Saturday
Sun - Sand - Sea - Saldiem and ..... (the fifth being a private matter between S...... and A......).
The papers have reported a number of arrests during the hockey championship, with the Finns leading the arrest league ( now there is a surprise) - but the best one was a slightly inebriated Finn, who on leaving the Arena, reported to the police that someone had stolen his boat, which he claimed he had moored outside the arena. Needless to say he did spend the night in bunk - a police bunk. (just in case you are wondering the Riga arena is landlocked)

As you can see it was a beautiful sunny day, and having strolled along the beach, we took ourselves off to strut our stuff on the main boulevard, whereupon A..... sampled some Latvian Saldiem.
We being men partook of a well deserved beer, before we headed for Riga.
As has been mentioned before the hotels and restaurants of Riga were all prepared for a bumper season during the Ice Hockey Championships. To maximise what they thought would be sell out, they decided to significantly increase prices. I am delighted to report that in nearly all cases the hotels have a significant number of empty rooms - serves them right for trying to profiteer.
Which brings me to Saturday afternoon De Lacey's were showing the English Cup final - and as you might guess the Liverpudlian cretins were there in force - surprise - surprise we did not go in. So it was off Tim McShanes, which was pleasantly quiet ( remember no SKY TV) - but horror - the price for a beer, a cider and a glass of water had rocketed to over Ls7.00. Appalled at these prices, we bid a quick farewell and took ourselves of to Paddies, again, at least upstairs it was reasonably quiet, even with the Cup Final on, but again the prices for drinks was nearly double the normal prices.
I am delighted to report that the one establishment which has NOT increased its prices, is De Lacey's - perhaps explains why it was mobbed, unlike the others. So to J..... ( he of diminutive stature, heart of gold AND with a good sense for ongoing business) - Congratulations on having to sense to keep normal prices, thereby ensuring that those of us who regularly frequent the pub will continue to do so, unlike the other establishments whose owners clearly do not value our business.
Well this week should see Latvia's interest in the Hockey come to an end, but as we still have another week to go, I guess we just have to make do with Scandinavian contingent to prevent Canada from romping away with championship. Unfortunately the Finns have a good team so their moronic supportes will be with us for another week.

This is godsend as the Rugby final conflicts with one of the Ice Hocket semi-finals.
So there we have it another week, and to A....., I trust you enjoyed your five S's on Saturday
Sun - Sand - Sea - Saldiem and ..... (the fifth being a private matter between S...... and A......).
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