Two Car Kiwi !!

Hi David,
Yes I certainly did visit the Blog last night - 2nd time this year.
We are both very good and Larisa has been seeing a lot of NZ since new year. Larisa and I have recently met up with some Russian people in Nelson (1 is now her English teacher who was an English teacher in Russia 4 years ago) and it has been quite entertaining.
My work has been very busy since start of this year and I have to go to North Auckland 8 days every month in addition to my normal work, so only been home 2 weeks in the last 8 ( had to buy another vehicle so now have the Sabaru Outback based in Auckland and the new Chevrolet Blazer in Nelson).
I told Jerry this the other day "There's only one thing for those asshole poms - tell em to f..k off. I know your locals would be very very pleased if the poms were never aloud in the best bar in Riga".
Yes you seem to be very busy with fund raising - well done. Who is Harald ? Do I know him ?
Thanks for the invite, but at this stage we are not sure when we will be back in Riga (unfortunately not in April as we have meetings etc with NZ Immigration) and it all depends on what Larisa's daughter decides to do when she finishes school this year in June.
Enjoyed the weekend rugby wins in the tri-nations - good to see the poms get a hiding :-)
Shame about SKY coverage and having to watch and listen to Welsh commintators.
Cheers for now Merv & Larisa
So as you can see not a lot has changed, other than he is now the proud owned of two vehicles, one of which is American ( why American - can they still build cars !)
Anyhow enjoy the pics , as you can see living adverts for De Laceys

Now that is a BIG tree, apparently it is an 800 years old Kauri
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