The "B...." is back in town
It must be spring !! - the outdoor bars are opening - the sun is shining and young B....(English - teacher of language) is back in town or at least for a few days. Now a resident of Newcastle and apparently teaching Arabic youths to speak English or is it Geordie ? He is looking surprisingly well but is obviously determined to pack as much into his brief stay as is possible - and not just alcohol !
This is the earliest that I can remember for the outdoor bars to open, but in Livi square there at least four open, with the biggie under construction, and in Dome square 13 chairs has suddenly become 113 chairs. So hopefully the sunshine will last through until the Easter weekend.
Now you may wondering why I am not showing pictures of these happenings - well unfortunately some months ago I was "burgled" and apart from taking my wallet. mobile phone, they also took my camera - so no pictures until I replace, as the one phone I have left takes only low quality pics.
As ever it is kind of weird to be talking about Easter, when there is not one sign of Spring to be seen, the trees are still bare, there is spring flowers in the gardens, and the grass is still a dirty brown colour. But no doubt before April is out we will catch sight of the first blossoms appearing.
A small but significant step was made in recent weeks with the discovery that we can indeed watch the UK tv channels, albeit via your computer - by registering with (sorry it costs money £9.99 per month) one can obtain an UK IP address, which then permits you to watch a number of UK channels. So for at least one technically challenged individual P..... (English - king of waste management) he can now keep uptodate with Eastenders (sad I know) as well as watch his beloved horse racing. For those of you already in the UK then all you have to do is point your web browser at and voila tv on the pc !! - and to think the whole purpose of the revelution of compuetrs in business and at home was to make us more productive in our work and private lives. So now we can watch tv on our PC's - whatever would John Logie Baird think.
On the same subject why do cable & satelllite TV broadcasters insist on making available radio stations as one of the channel selections ?? - Do you know anyone who switches on their Television and listens to the radio ??
PC's to watch TV
TV's to listen to the radio
The world is going mad !!
In this age of the internet suddenly we have become addicted to sending to all and sundry our latest in jokes. Well I am indebted to a lovely lady in Wales A....(Welsh - long suffering wife of never to be forgotten cat flap maker) for sending me this gem. Personally I think this should be issued to all cretins arriving from UK (or anywhere for that matter) and that they obliged to where them thoughout there stay in Riga. They no doubt will think that they are being amazingly funny and original whilst we as onlookers can see what they really are P....s !!

Now just for the record whilst my disdain for many of the visiting brits is well known, it only fair to say that in recent times they have noticable by their absence, and even those who I come across seem "reasonably" well behaved, but then again what happens in Riga after 8.00pm is and always has been a complete mystery to me.
And finally I am delighted to olet you know that the British Embassy in Riga has finally admitted that I exist. I have received an invitation to attend the embassy to celebrate St. georges day on april 26th !!!!!! - what happened to St. Andrews Day ?? - or should we simply rename the embassy as the ENGLISH EMBASSY
So to all of you there have enjoyable easter - not to many chocolate eggs
This is the earliest that I can remember for the outdoor bars to open, but in Livi square there at least four open, with the biggie under construction, and in Dome square 13 chairs has suddenly become 113 chairs. So hopefully the sunshine will last through until the Easter weekend.
Now you may wondering why I am not showing pictures of these happenings - well unfortunately some months ago I was "burgled" and apart from taking my wallet. mobile phone, they also took my camera - so no pictures until I replace, as the one phone I have left takes only low quality pics.
As ever it is kind of weird to be talking about Easter, when there is not one sign of Spring to be seen, the trees are still bare, there is spring flowers in the gardens, and the grass is still a dirty brown colour. But no doubt before April is out we will catch sight of the first blossoms appearing.
A small but significant step was made in recent weeks with the discovery that we can indeed watch the UK tv channels, albeit via your computer - by registering with (sorry it costs money £9.99 per month) one can obtain an UK IP address, which then permits you to watch a number of UK channels. So for at least one technically challenged individual P..... (English - king of waste management) he can now keep uptodate with Eastenders (sad I know) as well as watch his beloved horse racing. For those of you already in the UK then all you have to do is point your web browser at and voila tv on the pc !! - and to think the whole purpose of the revelution of compuetrs in business and at home was to make us more productive in our work and private lives. So now we can watch tv on our PC's - whatever would John Logie Baird think.
On the same subject why do cable & satelllite TV broadcasters insist on making available radio stations as one of the channel selections ?? - Do you know anyone who switches on their Television and listens to the radio ??
PC's to watch TV
TV's to listen to the radio
The world is going mad !!
In this age of the internet suddenly we have become addicted to sending to all and sundry our latest in jokes. Well I am indebted to a lovely lady in Wales A....(Welsh - long suffering wife of never to be forgotten cat flap maker) for sending me this gem. Personally I think this should be issued to all cretins arriving from UK (or anywhere for that matter) and that they obliged to where them thoughout there stay in Riga. They no doubt will think that they are being amazingly funny and original whilst we as onlookers can see what they really are P....s !!

Now just for the record whilst my disdain for many of the visiting brits is well known, it only fair to say that in recent times they have noticable by their absence, and even those who I come across seem "reasonably" well behaved, but then again what happens in Riga after 8.00pm is and always has been a complete mystery to me.
And finally I am delighted to olet you know that the British Embassy in Riga has finally admitted that I exist. I have received an invitation to attend the embassy to celebrate St. georges day on april 26th !!!!!! - what happened to St. Andrews Day ?? - or should we simply rename the embassy as the ENGLISH EMBASSY
So to all of you there have enjoyable easter - not to many chocolate eggs
I lived in Riga for a while and then I went away and then I came back on holiday and all I can say is.
Plus ca change,
et plus la meme chose.
That's French by the way.
The once and future king of teaching English to Johnny Foreigner in Riga.
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