Oh What a night

Well some statistics for the evening
30 people attended
45 bottles of wine were consumed
X Tequilas drunk (only for the brave !)
2 turkeys were consumed
4 Christmas puddings
36 Mince Pies
Ls 350 raised from I..... (Latvian- with serious habit in overdosing on Vaseline) - knickers and T-shirt
Ls 200 raised from "the clock" courtesy of Paddies
and of more importance we raised a staggering Ls 2,130.00 after the dinner expenses. This sum a combination of the ticket price, raffle and auction, a truly amazing amount, and once again demonstrates the true spirit of Christmas, especially after the wallets have been well oiled with alcohol.
On a serious note to all who attended and gave so generously - a huge thanks on behalf of the Smiley Fund and Zvannieki. Be assured the money will be put to good use, not least of which to provide a few "special" treats for Christmas.
Whilst thanking everyone we should also offer our thanks to the chef of the evening Mr P..... (language consultant to the new world) - especially he has was seriously under the weather on the evening, an d only just made it in completing the meal before he had to head for home. Likewise to K......(Latvian - owner of Ainavas Hotel) for allowing us once again to misuse his establishment.
It was also useful that J.,..( Latvian - vicar of note) gave a short speech covering the home and its background, as m any of those attending had no real understanding of its humble beginnings and the outstanding work it does today
I have also been informed that a number of those attending decided to make a night of it, and duly suffered the consequences on Friday. For my part I obviously suffered amnesia, as on Friday afternoon when I finally regained the vertical position I discovered that I had no recollection of coming home - was the Christmas pudding drugged ? - or was something to do with going to the village lounge after the dinner, joining in with the Irish Brigade, the lone Welshman, having a few beers and singing Christmas carols ! - well possibly but as a man known for his moderation in alcohol, I think the more likely explanation for my memory lapse was the drugged Pudding.
For those still in Riga next weekend, I plan to take a few Christmas goodies out, so if anyone would like to join me, just let me know and we can agree on a date and time.
Also with return of our nautical band of builders this Wednesday, then on Thursday and Friday should see the kitchen 100% finished ( well I will settle for 95%).
For those reading this blog from afar, still no snow, temperatures rarely dipping into the minus region - really quite weird
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