What a Crack !
Now at rough guess between us we had at least 60 minutes of experience in painting walls etc ! - But all in a good cause , and believe or not by the end of the day we managed to paint around 85% of the walls. Ah but I hear you ask why not 100% - well instead of starting at the top of the walls, we started at the bottom, and as the kitchen walls are quite high, by the time we got to painting just below the ceiling, every time we put the ladder against the just painted walls, of course we simply made some serious marks.S.....(Welsh with a head for heights) was put in charge of anything connected with climbing a ladder, as he had a bad knee !, D....(English-no head for heights) did all the fiddly bits near to the floor, C...(English- BPO specialist) did all the white bits - doors etc, and myself acting as unnofficial supervisor and resident photographer, as well as the gofer.
We required a gofer, as on the previous day J...(Australian-kit home builder) had accompanied me to buy the paint, brushes etc, as my knowledge of these things is very limited, even more so in Latvia. Unfortunately the rollers brushes we (he) bought were for stippled walls, not plain, and the masking tape was'nt. So my services were required to head of to Cesis to replenish said items, as well of course to acquire a few basics for subsistance - namely a few beers!
But as I say we did achieve a great deal in a relatively short time, and when a similar band headed out on Sunday morning ( all with few sore heads from the previous days Rugby marathon) - we completed the kitchen and started work on the dining room, and by late Sunday afternoon we had got the first coat of paint on 80% of the walls and 100% of the ceiling. SO to all concerned many thanks, and with a bit of luck this coming Wednesday/Thursday will see the kitchen units installed, the electrics finished, Which should mean that V....(Australian ship fitter outeterer) returns along with his nautical crew that will go on the 20th & 21 st december to completely finish the job
Apart from the wonderful full British Christmas dinner, we will also be holding a raffle of totally useless prizes, and like last year an auction, with some amazing articles. Just to whet your appetite young I....(Latvian - sexiest female bartender in Paddies)- well actually the only one) has donated two articles of clothing, her De Lacy's teeshirt AND !!!!!! - an signed lower region undergarment - what man could possibly not wish to have them is his possession ?
As ever the whole point of the night, is to have a great evening, and to raise as much cash as we can. Particularly important this year as we are still a little short on the funds to complete the kitchen, as notwithstanding the significant funds donated by Rietumu bank and J....(Scottish hunter of all things moving), and others over the last few months, the money which was originally budgeted related to the refurbishment of the original Zvannieki kitchen, whereas in the new home we have got a kitchen and a dining room to complete.
So to all who are attending many thanks for your support, and lets us make it a night to remember.
Finally a word to our former village resident C....(Burner of books) now located in sunny Nigeria, please communicate - I see you visiting the blog from time to time, but would be good to hear from you in person
Without mentioning any names, the owner of those cheeks has a daughter,who when asked to do something she dont want to do will say,"KISS MY HAIRY ARSE" now I know where she got it from.
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