Saturday, November 03, 2007

Flushed with success

Well finally this week I managed to get out to Zvannieki, along with V...(Australian/Latvian - designer of doggy pooper scooper), J...(German - Vee has ways of making it vork !- electrician). D.......(English - Ex Printer with building skills). The object of the exercise was to work out the cost of the electrical work, along with what we need to do to completely finish the kitchen. Suffice to say we have still got a lot of work to do, electrical, a bit of plumbing, new ceiling in dining room ( the old one is falling down) and of course painting the walls. In the case of the latter I need some volunteers to help in this task, so to all of you out there if your going to be in Riga in mid November please let me know, as clearly the more volunteers the quicker we can get the job done !

Getting to Zvannikei proved to bit a bit of a challenge at least for me, as the master plan had been for me to collect J....(Irish - builder of repute) Mercedes van, drive to Olaine to collect the Fridge, dishwasher, Microwave and various kitchen bits and pieces, then onto Zvannieki, and with assistance of the above umload. However the van had a mind of its own, along with a flat battery ! - so despite my best efforts at trying to jump start it, the technology of the van was having none of it. So after an hour of trying I gave up and joined the rest of the crew in their car and drove onto Zvannieki.

It was good to see that a new play area has been created, and presumably no need to move the original climbing frame and swings from the old Zvannieki.

The project now has a timetable, so by 10th November all electrical and plumbing work finished, by 17th November new ceiling installed, by 24th November - all painting finished, and by 1st December complete kitchen installed.

Now it has to be said that this is only going to happen if Rietumu Bank come good with the balance of the money, if they do not then we have a serious cash problem, which even with the cash raised the planned charity Christmas dinner of the 13th December, will still leave us substantially short - But let us hope the spirit of Christmas will permit the bank to have change of heart and let us get this kitchen finished and installed in time for Christmas.

This week also saw another piece of enterprise at our village lounge. Only a few weeks ago they introduced Indian food onto the menu, and now in an even bolder move to provide a full service to their clients, a take away ironing service. So now you can have a beer, eat your Indian meal and get your ironing done at the same time !- Brilliant

Can I once again remind all and sundry about the Charity Christmas dinner on December 13th, places are already being booked, and we have limited space, so can only accommodate 30 people, and at this time we have 11 definite bookings - so come on get your name down. Menu has now been agreed with our resident chef

Home made Pate
Full Christmas Turkey Dinner

Christmas Pudding/Mince Pies

Red & WhiteWine

Fully inclusive price Ls30.00 per person

I would also like to bring to your attention a world wide event on November 19th !

World Toilet Day has been declared to be on the 19th of November each year.

The purpose of having this day is to have people in all countries to take action, increase awareness of toilet user’s right to a better toilet environment, and to demand for it from toilet owners. As such, it is also the toilet user’s duty to contribute towards its maintenance, cleanliness and hygiene. The public marks the day to practice toilet etiquette, the restroom community-at-large celebrates with a new declaration for the forthcoming year.

So to all of you please make sure that on at least that day you treat your toilet(s) with respect and you comply with the proper toilet etiquette, whatever that might be !

And finally who or what is this ? - a clue to assist, you could be seeing double, its Australian in origin, it is frequently seen near wooden gates, and it requires constant attention to keep it upright !
Have great week, and as I write, the first snow of winter is descending, and forecast is for more next week, along with the first overnight sub zero temperatures.


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