Christmas is a'coming

Once again Christmas is descending upon us, and with it the chance to once again over indulge our digestive systems.
So for of those based in Riga, I offer two dining opportunites

1. Zvannieki Chrstmas dinner, to be held on the evening of 13th December, at the Ainavas Hotel (Same location as last year). Dinner as ever will be traditional Christmas fare, cooked by our local Chef de Resistance - P.... (You know mad dogs and Englishmen). Price will be around the Ls 25.00 - Ls 35.00 per head - fully inclusive - and a serious raffle will also be hosted. All profits from the evening to once again to go to the benefit of Zvannieki.
We will have space for up to about thirty - so first come first served - please let me know as soon as is possible
and now for one with a difference - An Indian Christmas Dinner
Starter – Turkey Tikka with char grilled peppers
Pudding – Kulfi Indian Ice Cream with Fresh Fruit
Now we do not have a date for this Indian Extravagansa but the location will be the Village Lounge, with its newly installed Indian Chef ( It is his idea)So for those who could be interested let me know and we will see if we can come up with date.
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