Life in Pictures - last week - last year
As I have regaled you earlier this week with the Tales from the Riverbank, I can now add some more pictures courtesy of the wife of S...... ( Ukranian) - thats her handbag in the picture - although as most know I do carry a handbag or shoulderbag, and have done for many a year.
The first as you can see is of myself in perfect repose ala car car seat on the banks of the River Daugava
Here we are frantically searching for the perfect "skimming" stone

And finally the ( and please note the Style") - Skimming in its full glory - this was a "oner"

As you may recall from "A tale from the Riverbank" it is anticipated that we will make our return to this refuge in February 2006 to take advantage of the winter ambience ?? -thinking of Winter, reminded me of a night last winter.
Three repribates ( is there such a word elibriates ?) - J...... (Irish), M... (New Zealander) and R.. (English) after participating in late evening session in ......................... ( yes that bar !) - could not decide as to where they should meander off to next.
Whereupon they discovered in the Square an outdoor ice rink, specially erected for the winter season. So with hearts in there mouth and no fear in their hearts , they donned their skating boots and off they set - well sort off. The rational for this piece of madness was that whoever managed to stay upright could choose where to go. M...... ( New Zealander) was taking the pictures as he clearly did not care where they went, or had the desire to stay dry.
As can be seen from below, the required skills for remaining upright were sadly lacking by both participants, which in one particular case is really surprising given his low center of gravity ( No names in case of possible law suite) -I leave the pictures to tell there sad tale. I never did find out where they went, probably to the dry cleaners.

Finally a word to all who have just discovered this blog, a word of advice - the only way that it makes sense is to start from the very first blog and work your way through.
Mine is not so much a diary, more an ongoing story, and you would never start at the end of a book- would you ? ( All persons of Irish or Polish descent you are excused from answering !!).
The first as you can see is of myself in perfect repose ala car car seat on the banks of the River Daugava

Here we are frantically searching for the perfect "skimming" stone

And finally the ( and please note the Style") - Skimming in its full glory - this was a "oner"

As you may recall from "A tale from the Riverbank" it is anticipated that we will make our return to this refuge in February 2006 to take advantage of the winter ambience ?? -thinking of Winter, reminded me of a night last winter.
Three repribates ( is there such a word elibriates ?) - J...... (Irish), M... (New Zealander) and R.. (English) after participating in late evening session in ......................... ( yes that bar !) - could not decide as to where they should meander off to next.
Whereupon they discovered in the Square an outdoor ice rink, specially erected for the winter season. So with hearts in there mouth and no fear in their hearts , they donned their skating boots and off they set - well sort off. The rational for this piece of madness was that whoever managed to stay upright could choose where to go. M...... ( New Zealander) was taking the pictures as he clearly did not care where they went, or had the desire to stay dry.
As can be seen from below, the required skills for remaining upright were sadly lacking by both participants, which in one particular case is really surprising given his low center of gravity ( No names in case of possible law suite) -I leave the pictures to tell there sad tale. I never did find out where they went, probably to the dry cleaners.

Finally a word to all who have just discovered this blog, a word of advice - the only way that it makes sense is to start from the very first blog and work your way through.
Mine is not so much a diary, more an ongoing story, and you would never start at the end of a book- would you ? ( All persons of Irish or Polish descent you are excused from answering !!).
So the vertically challenged one is also horizontally challenged!
With piles! I have no doubt.
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