Caught in the Act !!

As I have previously admitted (Ghost, Ghoulies
and Weird Things) I did in fact converse with a group of

It should be noted that they had only just arrived, were still sober, and I hope that they did not impinge on the well earned reputation of the previous Scottish visitors ( Football supporters from Jocks's Barmy Army ") - but I suspect the worst.
So before the pictures of said appear anywhere else here they are, with my apologies to all. My thanks J..... ( Irish ) for making these available - so kind !
No excuses - but please note I may be talking to them, but I am not drinking with them !
Staying on the subject of visiting "Cretins" - on Saturday we escaped to our "secret" establishment , only to be invaded by a group of Welsh "Cretins" complete with Red shirts and a variety of bits of sheep, which they proceeded to adorn themselves with. Must be a Welsh secret ritual.
How they discovered our secret establishment - who knows, but after words with the owner it was agreed that in future such groups visiting between the hours of 2:30pm and 5:30pm on Weekends would be barred.
As J...... ( Australian) put it - Teething Problems !!
So it seems it was a Celtic "Cretins" weekend - pray God they have left
Now a notice to all members of our village society -- next Sunday M....... ( Italian) has agreed to "cook" Ala Italian style, Rabbit -yuk ! - Quail - bigger Yuk !! & Chicken & Pork - all to be cooked on a Spit ( Oh yea ? - remember what happened last time this was to be organised ( Tales from the Riverbank) - we will but see.
In addition he has promised salad and risotto
Anyhow the grand plan is that food will be ready from 5.00pm Sunday evening (Possibly earlier) - So please come and support the cause - Secret place ( Upstairs) , Sunday 6th November - pass the word - it would be good if we can get 20+ people - but he needs to know asap. If you can make it please leave a comment to say or give me or M....... a call.
Have a good week ...................
Make sure that you watch S4C and Wales v New Zealand as I will be there more in hope rather than expectancy!
On the off chance that the author of this blog site actually reads the comments made I will refer him to a conversation he and I had some weeks ago about the name of Tonto's horse! You know he who was the Red Indian friend of that fearless upholder of the law in the the Wild West ...The Lone Ranger.
Well as luck would have it only last evening on one of the many obscure channels appearing on my satellite TV (Do you know there is actually a 24 hour Audi channel dedicated to that Germanic automobile)there appeared the first ever episode of The Lone Ranger.From this absolute delight, I learned how The Lone Ranger came to be Lone (how can he be alone when he travels about with his coloured sidekick?) How he found his horse Silver,how the horse got it's name,where he gets his silver bullets from,who the only other person (Tonto excluded) who knows his real identity and wait for it....what his real name is! (no he was not the son of Doris and Harry Ranger, and Lonnie was a Donnegan not a Ranger! Stupid)
So more questions are answered about this icon of the West.Of course I would not reveal his name to anyone as his identity is crucial in his ability to "seek out wrong doers everywhere" Oh no that was Woody Allens Masked Avenger! Never mind,
"Hi O Silver Away"
"Who was that Masked Man?"
"I don't rightly know pardnr but he left this 'er silver bullet!"
You Qualify for Ryanair Miles based on the following:
500 Miles ..Talking to upright drunken Cretin
750 Miles..Talking to Cretin dressed as a member of Showaddy Waddy
1000 Miles.. Actually having a conversation on a subject other than Soccer or Sex.
1500 Miles..Exchanging telephone numbers with a Cretin
2000 Miles..Carrying out a conversation with a Cretin whilst throwing up on the pub floor (the Cretin that is)
1 million Miles ..Talking to an intelligent sober Ryan Air passenger who arrives on the Thursday Flight from Liverpool (Impossible)
Scottish turncoat!!!!!! (If I could spell Quisling I'd call you that but I learned never to use a word I can't spell.A filosofie which would render our Cretin friends almost mute!)
In line with your comments regarding Andy Pandy Captain Pugwash et al.
I can actually verify the following as correct,like Max Boyce "I know 'cos I was there".
Picture this Barcelona Airport sultry July evening in 1968 Ronnie Williams Economics and History master at Neath Boys Grammar School who together with G O Williams (Seppi to all)was handing out to all the lads who had just completed a wonderful 2 weeks in Lloret de Mar their Boarding Passes the names were basically unremarkable Master Lewis, Master John etc until the inevatable occurred to hoots of laughter Ronnie called upon a very good friend of mine (and incidentally a good inside centre who should have played more for Neath than he did) Master Bater!
Yes poor old Byron or wanker to his friends, was embarrassed to hear his name called in this way although one could imagine that with a group of 30 odd twelve to 18 year olds any one at sometime during that trip of sun sand sangria and scantly clad girls could have laid claim to the name on that Boarding pass.
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