Monday, February 04, 2013

A Mans a Man for A' That

Well here we are - February has arrived and all is well in the land of Riga.

January saw me achieve a first - The guest speaker at the annual Burns Supper dinner, to deliver the Immortal speach. An honour never before realised. Much prepartion went into its making and as best I understand it was well received by the 180+ guests. It is long time since I had the excuse to wear a kilt, but as you can see from below I seemed well suited to the attire.

Unlike my last dinner, this time I stayed sober, ate a full meal and only indulged in a little wine and whiskey. A good boy was I !! However I have one comment to make re the kilt - it is not geared for -10C temperatures ! - I do not think I have ever smoked a cigarette so quick.

January also the Annual Australia Day celebrations, starting with Cricket (in the snow) followed by a parade starting at the Ala Bar, then onto the Kiwi Bar and finally to the Funny Fox - for those that managed all three my congratulations - however as it coincided with Burns Night I was spared from these activities.

February of course has seen the start of the Six Nations Rugby, and it was with a low level of expectation I watched the England v Scotland game - no surprises as to the result - however on the same day the only football that I have any interest in - Reading - continued there fight to stay in the Premier league with a win over Sunderland - long may it continue. Staying with the sporting theme this week sees the arrival of GB ice hockey team ( did not know we had one !) to play in the Olympics group qualifying games.In the same group as Latvia, France and Kazakstan. All the games to be played in Riga - who knows I might even go along, at least to the Latvia v GB game. For those interested the games can be seen on the ESPN network.

Otherwise all is quiet here in Riga., temperatures are rising - today is -4C, daylight hours are getting longer, and the only sound you can hear is either coughing or sneezing - and regretfully I am guilty of both. Fortunately I have avoided the flu epidemic which so many have suffered from.

Finally I will leave you a piece of "Irish" humour - 19 Paddies go to the cinema, and the ticket lady asks "Why so many of you ?" and Mick  replies "The film said 18 or over"
or this one (not Irish)
 Local Police hunting the "Knitting Needle Nutter", who has stabbed six people in the rear in the last 48 hours, believe the attacker could be following some kind of pattern


Blogger Yoke Wei said...

welcome back my friend. tis been long.

4:00 pm  

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