It is a Record !

This blog is really intended for those who over the years have supported the "Smiley Fund" in its support of the Zvannieki Childrens Home(s).
This year our annual Christmas Dinner was hosted at the FG Royal Hotel ( formerly the Hotel de Rome), and with assistance of our resident chef extraordinaire S.... ( Scottish - and serious about food) we prepared a Christmas Food festival.
On the night we had some 58 people for dinner, and further 3 for a glass of wine, So between the dinner fee of Ls 30.00, the raffle and a surprise auction of a 3 litre bottle of Riga Balsam - our grand total for the night was Ls 2.380.00.
This grand sum was duly deposited in the Zvannieki bank account, and on Thursday evening at a function held by the British Chamber of Commerce, hosted at the British Embassy, P.... ( Banker in chief at Citadele Bank) presented to J..... C..... ( Canadian Latvian - Father of the home ) a letter from the Smiley Fund listing the participants in this years fund raising, alongwith the paying in slips, alongwith 15 Football shirts and Scarfs courtesy of Skonto Football Club.
So hopefully the money raised will provide for a few "extras" at Christmas time.
For those interested in Zvannieki please visit their web site
So to all those you participated in the Smiley Fund 2011 - many many thanks, and with a bit of luck we can repeat the event in 2012.
This is amazing!
I really can't handle how sad I am over him dying. On the bright side, I can always drown my sorrows in fan fiction.
Also, I just read this article in Wired magazine & this quote made me happy.
'Harry Potter revealed a mass audience for fantasy that nobody was aware of, not even the people who were part of it. We were legion, and we didn’t even know it. Dostoevsky once said, “We all crawled out from under Gogol’s ‘Overcoat,’” and it’s just as true to say that we all crawled out from under Harry’s cloak of invisibility. He made being a fantasy nerd cool. Or, no, that’s not quite right. We didn’t change. The world changed around us: Harry Potter made everyone a little bit uncool.'
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